Get Involved

We are POWERFUL when we stand TOGETHER

Allies. Advocates. Community.

Welcomed. Accepted. Loved.

Allies. Advocates. Community. Welcomed. Accepted. Loved.

7.6% of the US population identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Queer.

1.03% identifies as Trans/Non-Binary.

The Total Population of:

Parker County: 148,222

Hood County: 61,598

Palo-Pinto County:28,409

Erath County: 42,545

Combined Population: 280,744

Total LGBQ Population: 21,336

Trans/Nonbinary Population: 2,891

That’s a total of 24,227

Why Do Numbers Matter?

Numbers provide a clear picture of the challenges facing rural LGBTQIA+ communities. With 7.6% of the U.S. population identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Queer, and 1.03% identifying as Transgender or Non-Binary, these individuals represent a significant and vital part of our society. However, in rural areas like Parker, Hood, Palo-Pinto, and Erath counties, their presence is often overlooked.

In these four counties alone, the combined population is 280,744. Within this population:

  • 21,336 identify as LGBQ

  • 2,891 identify as Transgender or Non-Binary

That’s a total of 24,227 LGBTQIA+ individuals living in these rural areas.

These numbers highlight the importance of providing resources and support. In areas where access to LGBTQIA+ services is limited, this population is at a higher risk of isolation, discrimination, and lack of access to essential services like mental health support and HIV/STI testing. Every individual matters, and these numbers show the real human impact of ensuring that no one is left behind.

Supporting local organizations that advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights is not just about standing up for equality; it’s about recognizing and addressing the needs of over 24,000 individuals who deserve the same opportunities and support as anyone else.

Become A Member

Advocating for Safety: By becoming a P.L.A.C. member, you show your dedication to ensuring the safety of LGBTQ+ people. Many LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination, harassment, and even violence, so having advocates who actively work to create a safer environment is crucial.

  1. Improving Quality of Life: Your membership in P.L.A.C. can contribute to efforts aimed at improving the quality of life for LGBTQ+ individuals in Parker County. This might involve initiatives to provide better access to healthcare, mental health support, educational resources, and community services.

  2. Affirming Existence: Joining P.L.A.C. sends a powerful message that LGBTQ+ people are valued members of the community. It helps combat stigma and discrimination by acknowledging their existence and contributions, which can have a positive impact on their mental and emotional well-being.

  3. Community Building: Being part of P.L.A.C. allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity. Together, you can build a stronger and more supportive community for everyone.

  4. Raising Awareness: P.L.A.C. members often engage in educational and awareness campaigns to promote understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ issues. Your involvement can help dispel myths, reduce prejudice, and foster empathy within Parker County.

  5. Solidarity and Support: LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies can face challenges in conservative communities. By becoming a member of P.L.A.C., you offer a visible source of support and solidarity, which can be especially important in places where LGBTQ+ people may feel isolated.

Remember that your involvement in P.L.A.C. can take many forms, from attending meetings and events to volunteering your time and skills. Ultimately, it's about actively contributing to a more inclusive and accepting community for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Becoming a P.L.A.C. member shows those around you that you care for LGBTQ+ people’s safety, their quality of life, and their existence as valued members of our communities.

For more information about volunteering, how to become a supporter, where to find event, and or to connect with a P.L.A.C. Member, please fill out the form provided.